Meetings: 15006
2020 International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID 2020) 2020-12-11 venue:西安市

Website URL :

Start Date / End Date: Dec. 11-13, 2020

Location: Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

Submission Deadline: Dec. 06, 2020

About the Conference:

Supervisor: China Innovative Design Industry Strategic Alliance

Supportor: Xi’an Science and Technology Bureau

Organizers: Silk Road Innovative Design Industry Alliance, Management Committee of Xi’an Beilin University-based Innovation Industrial District, Xi’an Design Union

Co-organizersXi’an Design Union, AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center, Institute of Modern Industrial Design, Zhejiang University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Northwest A&F University, Xidian University, Chang'an University, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an Shiyou University, Shaanxi Fashion Engineering University, Lanzhou University of Technology, Shenzhen Technology University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Xihua University, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shaanxi Industrial Design and Research Institute Co. LTD

2020 International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID 2020)is organized by Silk Road Innovation Industry Alliance, Management Committee of Xi'an Beilin University-based Innovation Industrial District and Xi'an Design Union, supported by Xi'an Science and Technology Bureau. ICID 2020 will be held on Dec 11-13, 2020 in Xi'an, China. 

ICID 2020 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of electromechanical, industry, environment, architecture and intelligent design to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in environment, industry, architecture, electromechanical. And another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Intelligent Design and related areas.


All accepted full papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society (Conference Publishing Services) and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec for indexing.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission:Dec. 06, 2020

Notification of Acceptance:About 1-2 weeks after the submission

Registration Deadline: Dec. 09, 2020

Conference Dates: Dec. 11-13, 2020

Submission Guides:

1.The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere.

2.All papers to be considered by ICID 2020 can be submitted to

3. Please submit the full paper, if presentation and publication are both needed.

4. Please submit the abstract only, if you just want to make oral presentation.

5. Should you have any questions, please contact us at

Call For Papers:

Key Words:

1. Intelligent Electromechanical Design

2. Intelligent Industrial Design

3. Environmental Design

4. Architectural Design

More topics, please visit:


For the publication on conference proceedings: 


Fee (By RMB

Regular Registration (4 pages)

3000 RMB / per paper

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

300 RMB / per extra page

Attendees without Papers

1200 RMB / per person

Attendees without Papers (Groups ≥ 3 people)

1000 RMB / per person (≥ 3 people)

Contact Us:

Conference Secretary: Ms. Huang


Tel:(+86)13922150841 (cellphone)

WeChat: keomszhu

QQ: 1623956325

AEIC Website:

Ms. Huang’s WeChat QR code:



Conference website

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