
Scientific committees

1) Prof. Baohang Han, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (China)

2) Prof. Chunyu Cao, China Technical Association of Paper Industry (China)

3) Prof. Derek Gray, McGill University (Canada)

4) Prof. Fengshan Zhang, Huatai Paper Co. Ltd., Huatai Group (China)

5) Prof. Frank Miletzky, Papiertechnische Stiftung (German)

6) Prof. Guigan Fang, Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, CAF (China)

7) Prof. Hak Lae Lee, Seoul National University (Korea)

8) Prof. Hongbin Liu, Tianjin University of Science & Technology (China)

9) Prof. Huining Xiao, University of New Brunswick (Canada)

10) Prof. Jingang Liu, China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute Co.Ltd (China)

11) Prof. Junyong Zhu, USDA Forest Products Laboratory (USA)

12) Prof. Liangbing Hu, University of Maryland (USA)

13) Prof. Lijun Wang, Hangzhou Research institute of Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd. (China)

14) Prof. Md Sarwar Jahan, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Bengal)

15) Prof. Min Wu, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry CAS (China)

16) Prof. Monica EK, KTH (Sweden)

17) Prof. Ning Yan, University of Toronto (Canada)

18) Prof. Orlando Rojas, Aalto University (Finland)

19) Prof. Ramin Farnood, University of Toronto (Canada)

20) Prof. Ruigang Liu, Institute of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Science (China)

21) Prof. Ruitao Cha, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (China)

22) Prof. Satoshi Hirata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)

23) Prof. Shigenori Kuga, University of Tokyo (Japan)

24) Prof. Shiyu Fu, South China University of Technology (China)

25) Prof. Siqun Wang, University of Tennessee (USA)

26) Prof. Wei Shen, Monash University (Australia)

27) Prof. Xuejun Pan, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)

28) Prof. Xuejun Zou, FPInnovations (Canada)

29) Prof. Xutao Zhao, Petrochina Petrochemical Research Institute (China)

30) Prof. , Yonghao Ni, University of New Brunswick (Canada)

31) Prof. Yong Huang, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS (China)

32) Prof. Zhaohui Tong, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville (USA)

33) Prof. ZhiHua Jiang, Auburn University (USA)

34) Prof. Zhong Liu, Tianjin University of Science & Technology (China)

35) Prof. Тюрин Евгений Тимофеевич, Russia Central Scientific Research Institute of Paper (Russia)