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Guidelines Long Abstract

Page Format:
[White Paper, Size A4 (297x210mm), maximum 3 pages
Margins: Left, Top, Bottom, Right 2.0cm]

Title: Times New Roman 14pt, bold, alignment left, upper case, single-spacing

Authors: Times New Roman 12pt, bold, alignment left, single-spacing

Order [for each name]: Last Name First Name Initial(s)
Order [of names]: First Author, Co-authors……

Authors’ Institution/Profession: Times New Roman 9pt, alignment left, single-spacing

Order: Institution, Department, Section, City and Country
[Each institution referring to the corresponding author by an indicating index number and using one single line]

First Author’s Photo: Small sized picture (ie. passport photo), alignment top- right of the page

Text: Times New Roman 10pt, justified, single-spacing
Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion

Tables & Graphs
Should be prepared using APA (4th Ed.) Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, (e.g. in graphs).

References: Should be prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th Ed)

Deadline for submitting long abstracts is June 21th, 2008.

Please complete the Abstract Submission form and send it by e-mail to:




Lastname Firstname Initial1, Second Author2, Third Author1
1Institute, University, Country
2Type Size9 pt, One Line for Each Institute

Subdivide the abstract into paragraphs. Don’t leave spaces between paragraphs. Give a brief introduction to the study. Explain the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose and significance of the paper. Use 10 pt type size for the whole abstract. Use bold letters only for the titles of the paragraphs. Use single space throughout the abstract. Use justified alignment.
Describe the methods used for the study. Refer to the sample, equipment, procedures and statistical analysis. Illustrations and photographs can be used if they are needed with legends below them.  Digitized photographs in 256 greyscale are recommended. Please do not submit colour images. You are allowed to use standard abbreviations (and define non standard ones) and only SI units.
Present the results of the study with the relevant statistical outcomes. Refer only to the significant results. You can present the results using tables and graphs. Tables and graphs should be included in the results’ paragraph. Tables and graphs should have a minimum of 8 pt type size letters and a clear border line; also have clear, concise titles. Legends for tables should be above them and for graphs below them.

Discussion / Conclusions
You can discuss briefly the significant results with reference to the relevant literature. State clearly the conclusions of the study. Clearly indicate advantages, limitations and possible applications of the study.

References should be prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th Edition) for style. For example:
Meichenbaum, D. (1977). Cognitive-behavior modification: An integrative approach. New York: Plenum Press.
Weinberg, R. S., & Jackson, A. (1990). Building self-efficacy in tennis players: A coach’s perspective. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2, 164-174.

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