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Call for Paper

Topic 1. Material Science and Advanced Materials
 Composites
 Micro / Nano Materials
 Steel and Iron
 Ceramic
 Metal material
 Metal alloy Materials
 Polymer Materials
 New Functional Materials
 Materials Physics and Chemistry
 Thin Films
 Earthquake Resistant Structures, Materials and Design
 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology
 Surfaces, interfaces and colloids
 Polymers and amorphous materials
 Soft and granular matter
 Cryogenic Materials
 Testing and Evaluation of Materials
 Tooling Testing and Evaluation of Materials

Topic 2. Material Engineering and Application
 Industrial Materials and Manufacturing
 Building Materials and Civil Engineering
 Biomaterials and Biomedical Materials
 Optical/Electronic/Magnetic Materials
 Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems
 Physics and Numerical Simulation of Materials process
 Aerospace Materials
 New Energy Materials
 Environmental Materials
 Chemical Materials
 Engineering Materials
 Materials Forming
 Materials Machining
 Tooling Testing and Evaluation of Materials
 Microwave Processing of Materials 

Topic 3. Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
 Sustainable City and Regional Development
 Renewable Energy and Building Energy Saving
 City Ecological Environment
Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment
 Air Environment Control and Architectural Environment Improvement Techniques
 Wastewater Treatment Engineering
 Air Pollution Control Engineering
Solid Waste Treatment and Resource Recovery
Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering
Waste Disposal and Recycling
Noise and Vibration Control
Clean Production Process
Environmental Protection
Remote Sensing Technology and Application
Global Environmental Change and Ecosystems Management
Graphic and Image Processing
Spatial Information System
Industrial Applications and Others
Environmental Assessment and Planning
Ecological Engineering
Geographic Information Systems
Remote Sensing

Topic 4. Environmental Science and Engineering 
Indoor Environment
Soil Science
Oceanography and Hydrology (includes Limnology)
Atmospheric Sciences
Environmental Chemistry and Biology
Environmental Ecology
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Management
Environmental Economics
Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Toxicology
Environmental Assessment and Programming
Environmental Safety and Health
Environmental physics
Geophysics and Geodesy

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