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【四川省人工智能学会、中国民用航空飞行学院联合主办 | ACM出版 | EI(核心),Scopus检索】第四届大数据、人工智能与风险管理国际学术会议  (ICBAR 2024)

【检索类型:EI Compendex、Scopus、CNKI、Google Scholar | EI 检索快速稳定】第四届互联网技术与教育信息化国际会议 (ITEI 2024)

【北京航空航天大学主办丨SPIE独立出版丨已确认ISSN号】第三届智能机械与人机交互技术学术会议(IHCIT 2024)

【IEEE出版,浙江省高校主办 | 连续数届实现EI和Scopus稳定检索!】第四届电气工程与机电一体化技术国际学术会议(ICEEMT 2024)

【EI核心、Scopus | 往届均已于会后五个月内完成检索】第四届计算机、遥感与航空航天国际学术会议(CRSA 2024)

【高录用快检索-EI,Scopus两大数据库实现双检索!】第三届先进机械电子与电气工程国际学术会议(ICAMEE 2024)

2024年土木工程结构与混凝土材料国际学术会议 (CESCM 2024)

【 高录用,快速见刊 | 往届均已见刊检索】第八届可再生能源与发展国际研讨会(IWRED 2024)

【SPIE独立出版 | 长春理工大学主办,过往4届均已见刊 EI、SCOPUS检索)】第五届计算机视觉和数据挖掘国际学术会议(ICCVDM 2024)

2024年亚太计算技术、通信与网络国际会议(CTCNet 2024)

【ACM 独立出版 | ISBN:979-8-4007-1027-8 | 高录用稳EI检索-管理学、计算机方向均可投递】2024年大数据与数字化管理国际学术会议 (ICBDDM 2024)

【ACM出版 | EI检索】第13届亚洲膜计算会议(ACMC2024)暨  2024年机器学习、模式识别与自动化工程国际学术会议(MLPRAE 2024)

【EI核心,Scopus检索 | 重庆交通大学支持】2024年检测监测系统国际学术会议(ICDMS  2024)

【稳定ACM出版|EI检索|线上线下结合】2024年第五届医学人工智能国际学术会议(ISAIMS 2024)

【IEEE精品会议,已确定ISBN号,见刊检索有保障!】第七届机电一体化与计算机技术工程国际学术会议(MCTE 2024)

2024年IEEE第五届控制,机器人与智能系统国际会议(CCRIS 2024)

【中南大学主办 | EI (核心) , Scopus检索】2024年智能驾驶与智慧交通国际学术会议(IDST 2024)

2024年第三届算法、数据挖掘和信息技术国际会议(ADMIT 2024)

2024年第七届机器学习和自然语言处理国际会议(MLNLP 2024)

2024年IEEE亚洲先进电气与电力工程会议(ACEPE 2024)

2024年第二届电子、计算机与通信技术国际会议(CECCT 2024)

2024年第七届数据科学与信息技术国际会议(DSIT 2024)


【多届会议历史】第六届结构抗震与土木工程研究国际学术会议 (ICSSCER 2024)

【SPIE出版、高录用、快检索、往届均已检索】第六届无线通信与智能电网国际会议(ICWCSG 2024)

【IEEE出版 |  广东省高校联合主办 | 往届均已见刊检索,稳定快速!】第六届物联网、自动化和人工智能国际学术会议(IoTAAI 2024)

【河南省科学院、河南大学、中原科技城联合主办 |SPIE出版,EI Compendex, Scopus稳定检索】第二届遥感、测绘与地理信息系统国际学术会议(RSMG 2024)

【IEEE官方列表会议,EI, Scopus稳定检索,往届均已检索,最快会后4个月EI检索】第三届半导体与电子技术国际研讨会(ISSET 2024)

2024年第六届电路与系统国际会议 (ICCS 2024)

2024年教育创新国际论坛(IEFI 2024)



Agriculture Impact Factors and Zoning

Agriculture plays a vital role in the world economy, providing food, fiber, and energy for the global population. However, the success and sustainability of agriculture depend on various factors and the effective use of land resources. Recognizing these factors and implementing appropriate zoning strategies are crucial for the growth and development of the agricultural sector. In this article, we will explore the key impact factors and zoning techniques utilized in agriculture.

1. Climate:

Climate is one of the primary factors influencing agricultural production. Different crops require specific temperature, rainfall, and sunlight conditions to grow optimally. Areas with suitable climates for agriculture, such as temperate regions, are highly productive. Moreover, climate change poses significant challenges for agricultural productivity, requiring adaptive strategies and zoning adjustments.

2. Soil Quality:

Soil fertility, texture, composition, and drainage significantly impact agricultural productivity. Different crops have specific soil requirements, and efficient land use depends on matching crops to suitable soil types. Agricultural zoning aims to allocate lands for specific agricultural activities based on soil quality, allowing farmers to optimize crop yields.

3. Water Availability:

Access to water resources is crucial for agricultural activities. Regions with abundant water sources, such as rivers or aquifers, have a natural advantage for irrigation-based agriculture. However, water scarcity is becoming a growing concern in many parts of the world, necessitating proper zoning to ensure equitable distribution and efficient use of water resources.

4. Topography:

The physical characteristics of the land, such as slope and elevation, affect agricultural practices. Steep slopes are challenging for mechanized farming and can be prone to erosion, requiring proper zoning to designate appropriate land uses. On the other hand, flat terrains are ideal for large-scale mechanized agriculture.

5. Pests and Diseases:

Pests, diseases, and invasive species pose a constant threat to agricultural productivity. The prevalence of specific pests and diseases can vary across regions, making it necessary to establish zoning regulations to control the spread and minimize damages. Quarantine measures and crop rotation strategies are commonly employed to mitigate the risks associated with pests and diseases.

6. Market Demand:

Market demand for agricultural products drives production and influences zoning decisions. Growing crops or raising livestock that are in high demand locally or globally can increase profitability. Farmers and policymakers need to consider market dynamics when making decisions regarding agricultural zoning and land use planning.

7. Sustainable and Organic Agriculture:

In recent years, there has been increasing emphasis on sustainable and organic agricultural practices. Zoning regulations can promote the adoption of sustainable farming methods, such as organic certification programs or conservation easements to protect farmland from urban development. By designating specific zones for sustainable agriculture, policymakers can encourage environmentally friendly practices and improve the long-term viability of the agricultural sector.

In conclusion, agriculture is influenced by various factors such as climate, soil quality, water availability, topography, pests, diseases, market demand, and sustainability. Zoning techniques play a critical role in optimizing land use and ensuring the long-term viability of the agricultural sector. By considering these factors and implementing appropriate zoning strategies, policymakers and farmers can promote agricultural productivity, food security, and sustainable practices.



第十届机械工程、材料和自动化技术国际会议(MMEAT 2024)(2024-06-21)

2024年第二届管理创新与经济发展国际学术会议(MIED 2024)(2024-06-28)

2024年先进机器人,自动化工程与机器学习国际会议(ARAEML 2024)(2024-06-28)

第六届电子工程与信息学国际学术会议(EEI 2024)(2024-06-28)

第五届机械工程、智能制造与机电一体化学术会议暨 2024年汽车新材料新工艺技术论坛(MEIMM2024)(2024-07-05)


2024年城市建设、智慧交通与通信网络国际会议(UCSTCN 2024)(2024-07-15)

第十届催化国际研讨会 (ICC 2024)(2024-07-19)

2024年亚太计算技术、通信与网络国际会议(CTCNet 2024)(2024-07-26)

2024年新能源、储能与电力电气工程国际会议(NEESPEE 2024)(2024-07-27)

2024年机械电子工程、材料与电子器件国际学术会议(MEEMED 2024)(2024-7-23)

2024矿产资源、地质勘探与土木工程国际会议(ICMRGECE 2024)(2024-6-16)

2024年自然语言处理科学与信息检索技术国际会议(ICNLPSIRT 2024)(2024-8-20)

2024年第十五届电子商务,管理与经济国际会议(ICEME 2024)(2024-7-19)

2024年食品科学,生物学与农业发展国际会议(FSBAD 2024)(2024-7-27)

2024年航空航天与电子信息技术国际会议(ICAEIT 2024)(2024-6-30)

2024年大气科学、能源与环境工程国际学术会议(ICASEE 2024)(2024-7-20)

2024年水利、土木建筑工程与生态环境发展国际会议(ICWCCEEED 2024)(2024-6-31)

2024年机器学习、模型仿真与自然语言处理国际会议(MLMSNLP 2024)(2024-7-20)

第四届固态化学与无机合成国际研讨会 (SSCIS 2024)(2024-7-19)

第五届清洁能源与电力工程国际学术会议(ICCEPE 2024)
第五届信号处理与计算机科学国际学术会议(SPCS 2024)
第四届教育、信息管理与服务科学国际学术会议(EIMSS 2024)
第五届机械工程与智能制造国际学术会议(MEIM 2024)
2024年机器人前沿技术与创新国际会议(FTIR 2024)