Meetings: 15434
The 2nd International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering (ICEMME2020) 2020-11-20 venue:重庆市



Conference DateNovember 20-22, 2020

Venue: Chongqing, China

Submission Deadline: November 18,2020

Indexing: IEEE Xplore, EI, Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, and CPCI(Web of Science


The 2nd International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering (ICEMME 2020) will be held on November 20-22, 2020. ICEMME 2020 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Economic Management and Model Engineering and other related subjects to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Economic Management and Informatics and the other goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in  Economic Management and Informatics and related areas. 

We warmly invite you to participate in ICEMME 2020 and look forward to seeing you in Chongqing!


1. Organizers


Keynote Speaker

 Rajah Rasiah.png

Prof. Rajah Rasiah

Asia-Europe Institute University of Malaya

Research Area: Economics and Administration


Prof.  Hongtao Yang

Huaqiao University/School of Business Administration 

Research Area: Entrepreneurial Management/Marketing management/Economic Management



The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Systems Engineering and Operational Research

2. Information Technology and Economic Management

3. Economic Model and Software Engineering

4. Data Processing in Economic Management

5. Linear regression analysis

6. Modeling and Prediction of ARMA Time Series

7. Complex Data Modeling in Economic Management

8. Empirical Research Method and Data Processing-Structural Equation Model

9. Design and Implementation of Genetic Algorithms

10. Application of Genetic Algorithms in Economic Management


* All accepted papers of ICEMME 2020 will be published in the volume of Conference Publishing Services, which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI, Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, and CPCI(Web of Science) for indexing.


*High quality papers will be recommended for publication in SCI journal.

(Submission with notes of “ICEMME 2020’’ will enjoy priority in review and acceptance.)

Journal 1 (ISSN: 2192-113X, IF=2.14): Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances Systems and Applications

Journal 2 (ISSN: 2167-6461, IF=2.106): Big Data

Journal 3 (ISSN: 1572-9362, IF=1.94): Electronic Commerce Research*Please submit your paper in Word format.

*For more information and detail please visit AEIC homepage. 

*Other services of publication and translation please contact Lavender.


4.Submission Methods

1.The submitted papers shall not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

2.Please send the full paper (in both word and pdf format) to SUBMISSION SYSTEM

3. Please submit the full paper, if presentation and publication are both needed.

4.Please submit the abstract only, if you just want to make presentations.

5.Should you have any questions, or you need any materials in English, please contact us at



For the publication on ICEMME 2020 conference proceedings:


Registration feeRMB

Registration fee (By US Dollar)

Regular Registration (4 pages)

3000RMB/ per paper

450 USD/per paper

Additional Paper

2800 RMB/ per paper

430 USD/ per paper

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

300 RMB/ per extra page

50 USD/ per extra page

Attendees without Papers

1200 RMB/ per person

180 USD / per person

Attendees without Papers (Groups

1000 RMB≥ 3 people

150 USD / per person≥ 3 people

Purchase Extra Journal

500 RMB

75 USD/book




November 20



November 21



Speeches of Keynote Speakers




Oral Presentations



November 22


Academic Investigation



Conference Secretary: Lavender Lau


Tel: +86-13418097038 (Wechat)QQ: 918444372


Conference website

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