Meetings: 15550
2020 International Conference on Road and Traffic Engineering (CRTE 2020) 2020-12-4 venue:焦作市



Conference DateDecember 4-6, 2020

VenueJiaozuo, China

Submission Deadline:December 1,2020


The 2020 International Conference on Road and Transportation Engineering(CRTE 2020) will be held in Jiaozuo, Henan, China from December 4th to 6th, 2020. The meeting will be hosted by Henan Polytechnic University and AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center. The purpose of this conference is to provide a platform for the military, road, geotechnical, transportation engineering technology research and practice in the international road construction industry and the transportation industry, and front-line engineering personnel to enhance understanding, share experience, inspire each other, and jointly improve. The conference sincerely invites experts from domestic and foreign universities, scientific research institutions, scholars, business people and other relevant personnel to participate in the exchange.




2.Keynote speakers

Prof. Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California, USA

Prof. Qizhou Hu, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Meng Xu, Beijing Jiaotong University

Prof. Chundi Si, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University

Prof. Zaili Yang, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Prof. Lam Siu Lee Jasmine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof.Miguel ?ngel Sotelo, University of Alcalá, Spain

Prof. Akinori Morimoto, Waseda University, Japan

A. Prof. Law Teik Hua, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Prof. David Bassir, French University of Technology, France


The conference accepts original and unpublished papers. The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Road Engineering

Road survey, design and planning

Road protection and ecological restoration

Subgrade geotechnical engineering

Disposal of special subgrade diseases

New theory and technology of subgrade engineering

Pavement materials (asphalt, concrete, etc.)

New materials and processes for road engineering

Road maintenance and management

Traffic Engineering

ITS theory and applications

Traffic control and information technology

Transportation and socioeconomic development

Theory and applications of traffic engineering

Transportation and socioeconomic development

Transportation security, environmental protection, and sustainable development

Urban public transportation planning and management

High-speed railway planning, construction and operation organization

Energy saving, clean energy and alternative energy

Automotive Exhaust Treatment and Environment Protection Technologies

Transportation Infrastructure (Pavement, Bridge)

Transportation Management, Economics and Policy

Railway and Transportation System

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Vehicle operation

Transportation Engineering

Transportation Safety

Air Transportation

Marine Transportation

Urban transportation

Freight Transportation

Water Transportation

Transportation planning and system optimization

Security and Monitoring Systems

Emergency Response Systems and Technologies

Systems of supply chain performance measurement

Controlling methods for supply chains

Innovative IT systems as performance drivers (SOA etc.)

Benefit allocation of IT-based performance drivers among supply chain partners

Efficiency of profit and risk sharing in supply chain networks

Performance aspects of logistics node design

Interrelationships between management methods and supply chain performance

Measurement of soft factors in supply chains

Radio frequency identification (RFID) as supply chain performance driver

Performance effects of infrastructure management

Sustainability and supply chain performance

Innovative concepts for modelling, simulation and optimization of transportation networks

Managing logistics service quality

Development of key performance indicators (KPI) for supply chains

Risk Management and SC Performance

Effects of complexity on supply chain performance

Other related topics


1. EI

All accepted full papers will be published in IEEE CS CPS-Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec and CPCI for indexing.

*paper templateDownload),No less than 4 pages

2. SCI JournalSubmission with notes of conference acronyms will enjoy priority in review and acceptance.

Excellent papers will be recommended directly to the following or other suitable SCI journals 

Journal 1: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: SystemsISSN:  2473-2907, IF=0.989,  Regular issue

Journal 2: Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge EngineeringISSN: 1822-427X, IF=0.620, Regular issue

Journal 3: Journal of Bridge EngineeringISSN: 1084-0702, IF=2.196, Regular issue

* Submission should be in WORD.docformat only, and specified templates will be given after evaluation.  

* Online submission AIS online submission

* For more information about SCI papers and journals, please feel free to contact Editor LiWeChat/Mobile phone): 18127812811/ Editor LinWeChat/Mobile phone): 13922157504.

5.Submission Methods

1.The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere.

2.Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to SUBMISSION SYSTEM

3.Please submit the full paper, if presentation and publication are both needed.

4.Please submit the abstract only, if you just want to make presentations.

5.Should you have any questions, or you need any materials in English, please contact us at


For the publication on CRTE2020 conference proceedings:


Registration fee (By RMB) 

Registration fee (By US Dollar) 

Paper Publication+Presentation+Attendance

3000RMB/per paper (4 pages)

450 USD/per paper (4 pages)

Additional Paper Publication

2800RMB/per paper (4 pages)

430 USD/ per paper (4 pages)

Extra Pages (Begin at Page 5)

300RMB/per extra page

50 USD/ per extra page


1500RMB/per person

250USD/per person


1500RMB/per person

250USD/per person

Attendance Only

1200RMB/per person

180 USD / per person

Attendees without Submission (Groups)

1000RMB/per person(≥ 3  persons)

150 USD / per person(≥ 3  persons)



December 4



December 5


  Speeches of Keynote Speakers




  Oral Presentations



December 6



Conference Secretary: Victoria Liu 


Tel: +86-19139984085 (Wechat)

QQ: 2659950387



1.News of August 15,2020Prof. Akinori Morimoto from Waseda University, Japan will give a keynote speech!

2.News of August 19, 2020! Welcome  fromNanyang Technological University, Singapore as the Keynote Speaker!

Conference website

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