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【JPCS出版,EI和Scopus双检索】第八届能源技术与材料科学国际学术会议(ICETMS 2024)

【IEEE独立出版,院士报告,高校背书,快至3天录用】第五届信息科学与并行、分布式处理国际学术会议(ISPDS 2024)

2024年第三届网络、通信与信息技术国际会议(CNCIT 2024)

【 高录用,快速见刊 | 往届均已见刊检索】第八届可再生能源与发展国际研讨会(IWRED 2024)

【EI Compendex, Scopus检索】2024年图像处理、智能控制与计算机工程国际学术会议(IPICE 2024)

2024年亚太计算技术、通信与网络国际会议(CTCNet 2024)

【IEEE精品会议,已确定ISBN号,见刊检索有保障!】第七届机电一体化与计算机技术工程国际学术会议(MCTE 2024)

2024年IEEE第五届控制,机器人与智能系统国际会议(CCRIS 2024)

【中南大学主办 | EI (核心) , Scopus检索】2024年智能驾驶与智慧交通国际学术会议(IDST 2024)

2024年第三届算法、数据挖掘和信息技术国际会议(ADMIT 2024)

2024年第七届机器学习和自然语言处理国际会议(MLNLP 2024)

2024年IEEE亚洲先进电气与电力工程会议(ACEPE 2024)

2024年第七届数据科学与信息技术国际会议(DSIT 2024)


2024年教育创新国际论坛(IEFI 2024)

第七届模式识别与人工智能国际会议 (PRAI 2024)



1. Introduction to the Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition)

The Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition) is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of marine and freshwater systems. The journal is published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and features articles on a range of topics including oceanography, limnology, and aquatic ecology.

One of the key aims of the Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition) is to promote scientific exchange and cooperation among researchers studying marine and freshwater systems. The journal welcomes submissions from both Chinese and international researchers and aims to publish the highest-quality research in the field.

2. Journal Ranking

The Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition) is a Tier 1 journal according to the latest rankings of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This means it is considered a top-tier publication and is highly regarded within the scientific community.

3. Journal Sections

The Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition) has several sections, including research papers, reviews, editorials, and short communications. The research paper section contains articles reporting original research findings, while the reviews section features comprehensive reviews of recent developments in the field. The editorial section contains commentary and opinion pieces on current issues in the field, and the short communications section features brief research findings or updates on ongoing research projects.

4. Submission Guidelines

Authors interested in submitting their work to the Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition) should carefully read the submission guidelines before preparing their manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted online through the journal’s submission system, and should follow the journal’s formatting and style guidelines. Authors should also ensure that their research is original and has not been published elsewhere.

5. Other Journal Content

In addition to research articles, the Journal of Ocean, Lake, and Reservoir (English Edition) also features other content, including book reviews, conference reports, and news and announcements from the scientific community. The journal also regularly publishes special issues on specific topics within the field, featuring articles by leading researchers from around the world.



第九届机电控制技术与交通运输国际学术会议(ICECTT 2024)(2024-05-24)

2024年教育政策与实践研讨会(ICEPP 2024)(2024-05-24)


2024年电子器件、传感控制技术与光学机械工程国际学术会议(EDSCTOE 2024)(2024-05-25)

第十四届地质和地球物理学国际会议(ICGG 2024)(2024-05-31)

2024年食品工程与农业科学国际会议(ICFEAS 2024)(2024-06-02)

2024年第三届网络、通信与信息技术国际会议(CNCIT 2024)(2024-06-07)

2024年先进机器人,自动化工程与机器学习国际会议(ARAEML 2024)(2024-06-28)

2024年文化、艺术设计与社会科学国际学术会议(ICCADSS 2024)(2024-07-25)

第七届智能机器人与控制工程国际会议(IRCE 2024)(2024-08-07)

第三届机械自动化与工程材料国际会议(MAEM 2024)(2024-11-19)

2024年第九届亚太智能机器人系统国际会议(ACIRS 2024)(2024-7-18)

2024年第九届机器学习技术国际会议(ICMLT 2024)(2024-5-24)

2024年第四届控制理论与应用国际会议(ICoCTA 2024)(2024-10-18)

2024人文发展与心理健康教育国际学术会议(HDMHE 2024)(2024-6-26)

2024年教育科学与人文发展国际学术会议(ICESHD 2024)(2024-6-25)


2024年第五届计算机视觉与信息技术国际会议(CVIT 2024)(2024-8-16)

2024年现代教育技术、综合艺术与创新创业国际会议(METIAIE 2024)(2024-6-15)

2024计算机工程、信息技术与应用国际学术会议(ICCEITA 2024)(2024-5-18)

第九届信息科学、计算机技术与交通运输国际学术会议(ISCTT 2024)
第五届机械工程与智能制造国际学术会议(MEIM 2024)
2024年计算机视觉、机器人与自动化工程国际学术会议(CRAE 2024)
2024年土木工程结构与混凝土材料国际学术会议 (CESCM 2024)