If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us:

Phone: +33 805 98 05 38
Address24 rue de Clichy, 75009, Paris


Welcome to ISMLBD 2023


Welcome to the International Symposium on Machine Learning and Big Data (ISMLBD) 2023, a premier event where the brightest minds in AI and Data Science converge. Spanning three days, our symposium is meticulously segmented into three distinct yet interconnected sessions, each offering a deep dive into the cutting-edge developments and transformative impacts of these technologies.

Early Bird Registration

Register before November 24th, 2023 to secure your spot!

Conference Agenda

  • Day 1: The Cutting Edge of Machine Learning: Embark on a journey through the latest advancements in Machine Learning. Discover breakthroughs in algorithms, neural networks, and how ML is reshaping industries.
  • Day 2: Big Data - Transforming the Digital Landscape: Delve into the world of Big Data. Uncover the power of data analytics, the role of big data in decision-making, and how it's revolutionizing our understanding of the world.
  • Day 3: Bridging Machine Learning and Big Data: Explore the synergy between Machine Learning and Big Data. Understand how their integration is driving forward new frontiers in research and applications, from healthcare to finance.

Each day is designed to not only impart knowledge but also to foster collaboration, discussions, and networking opportunities among peers and industry leaders. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic beginner, the ISMLBD 2023 promises a wealth of knowledge, insights, and connections. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative experience in the heart of Paris.