If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us:

Phone: +33 805 98 05 38
Address24 rue de Clichy, 75009, Paris

About ISMLBD Agenda

International Symposium on Machine Learning and Big Data

Day 1: The Cutting Edge of Machine Learning

  • Keynote Speeches: Hear from world-renowned experts on the latest breakthroughs and challenges in machine learning.
  • Technical Sessions: Dive into specialized topics, including deep learning, neural networks, and algorithmic advancements.
  • Networking Luncheon: Connect with peers and forge valuable relationships in the field.

Day 2: Big Data - Transforming the Digital Landscape

  • Panel Discussions: Engage with a diverse panel of experts debating the ethical, practical, and technical facets of big data.
  • Case Study Presentations: Learn from real-world applications and success stories in various industries.
  • Evening Reception: Enjoy an informal gathering to discuss the day’s insights and unwind.

Day 3: Bridging Machine Learning and Big Data

  • Interactive Workshops: Participate in hands-on sessions focusing on the integration of machine learning with big data analytics.
  • Closing Plenary: Reflect on the symposium's key takeaways and discuss the roadmap for future research and collaboration.
  • Gala Dinner: Celebrate the symposium's conclusion with a gala dinner, featuring a cultural immersion in the heart of Paris.

Throughout the symposium, attendees will have access to an exhibition area showcasing the latest technological innovations and service offerings from leading companies in the AI and data science sectors.

Join us at ISMLBD to gain a deeper understanding, enhance your skills, and be part of shaping the future of Machine Learning and Big Data.

"Where Discovery Meets Opportunity."