Call for Papers

Welcome papers and presentations with the following topics:

1. Hazardous waste management and risk prevention

2. Biomass waste treatment and utilization as resources and energy

3. Household refuse classification and disposal technology

4. Integrated utilization of industrial solid waste

5. Construction waste disposal and utilization as resource and energy

6. E-waste recycling and associated pollution control

7. Management and policy of regional chemicals

8. Remediation and environmental regulation of contaminated sites

9. Circular economy and the development of urban mining

Paper Selection

Please submit the abstracts and full papers on the conference website (http://2018.icwmt.org) before the corresponding deadlines. Accepted papers will be complied into the “Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology”. The selected outstanding papers will be recommended to submit to related magazines. At present, some excellent papers have been published by the SCI Journal - Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE) in a special issue on “Recycling Materials from the Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment (WEEE)”. Excellent papers can continue to be recommended for submission to Resources (SCIE journal - Web of Science). Information about additional journals for submission will be updated in the future. We look forward to your contributions.

Poster Display and Oral Presentation

The authors are encouraged to present the academic posters of their papers during the poster display session or make oral presentations of their papers during the parallel sessions of the conference. The participants’ feedback on the posters will partially impact on the selection of the outstanding papers. The authors of the selected outstanding papers will be awarded by the members of the steering committee.

If you submitted the abstract or paper, please select if you want to do an oral presentation or poster. Please click the options below the three routes. Please notice that you can only registrate to do the oral presentation or poster before 24:00, 13th, March. If you need to do the poster, please download the mode below. As we will not provide print service, please prepare your own poster before the meeting.

poster mold 2018.ppt