

Submission Method:
1.Submit by EASYCHAIR:
If you have an Easychair account, you may submit your paper by Easychair athttps://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3rdicmam2013 (Click here)
2.Email submission:  
If you can not upload paper or have other problems in using the EASYCHAIR system, You can choose to submit by sending email to cfp@ttp-icmam.org
The conference’s official langue is English. All papers must be written in English. All papers must be formatted MS Word according to the following instructions. 
All papers should be no less than 4 pages in length and must be written in strict accordance with the format. Shorter papers should not be included in the journal. 
Before you send the manuscript to the cfp@ttp-icmam.org.Please make sure your manuscript file will have a filename “(Topic field) Paper title.doc” For example:
(T1) A new algorithm on the method of internet security transfor.doc  
EASYCHAIR submission must select the categories before upload your paper. 
1.本次大會採用Easychair 網站提交系統及Email 兩種方式接受論文投稿。如果您有Easychair 賬戶,請直接登錄https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3rdicmam2013 進行投稿,投稿時需選擇論文對於的主題。
2.通過Email投稿:投稿前請將稿件命名為“稿件所屬主題(T1,T2,T3)+論文題目.doc” 後以附件形式投稿到cfp@ttp-icmam.org。組委會收到稿件後會給您回復相應的論文編號。
投稿過程如有疑問,請來電諮詢。組委會電話024-8395 8379-810 (週一至週五9:00-17:00)

Copyright(C) 2013年第三届机电一体化与应用力学国际会议(ICMAM2013)