

|Keynote speaker|

Hongbiao Ding
Professor, Director, Feed Ecology and Biotechnology, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Research topics:

1.      Preparation and application of enzymes and probiotics in animal feed;

2.      The nutrient requirement of energy and nutrients in pigs;

3.      The nutrient requirement of energy and nutrients in broilers;

4.      The nutrient requirement of energy and nutrients in cows;

5.      Medical and biological control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria infections in broiler and layer chickens;

6.      Live and recombinant anticoccidial vaccine development for broiler and layer chickens;

7.      Molecular Mechanisms by Which Growth Hormone Regulates IGF-I Gene Expression in swine.

8.      The roles of GH receptor (GHR) mRNA variants in mediating the GH actions on regulating animal growth and metabolism.

9.      Insect cell culture medium optimization and large scale production of recombinant interleukin-3 with baculovirus infected BTI-Tn-5B1-4 insect cells at high cell density in designed perfusion culture mode, currently working topic.

10.    Molecular cloning and high level expression of the genes for stem cell factor, interleukin 3 and flt-3 ligand: three proliferative factors for primitive hematopoietic cells.

11.    Optimization of the integrity of baculovirus-expressed recombinant proteins by the use of cysteine protease inhibitors

12.    Isolation, cloning and expression of the phytase-encoding gene phy A2 from aspergillus nigerin Pichia Pastoris.

13.    Fermentation technology for probiotics and biopreparations of feed silage

14.    Enrichment of Iron, Zinc and Chromium in aspergillus oryzae and assessment of the immunological and nutritional value of the Fe, Zn and Cr enriched Aspergillus.

15.    Study the relationship between the structure and the antioxidant properties and estrogenic activities of three isoflavones, i.e. genistein, daidzein and formononetin, and their effects on animal growth biology and stress physiology;

16.    Study of the biological activities of cycloartane triterpenoids extracted from C. dahurica (Turcz.) Maxim in broiler and pig.

17.    Investigating the fibrozyme and yeast culture on feed stuff digestibility, rumen fermentation pattern and efficiency in lactating cows.

18.    Establishment of primary muscle cell culture. Physiological studies of cimaterol, cysteamine and F89 in cultured cells.

19.    Construction of jugular vein catheterized gilt and study of cimaterol, cysteamine and F89 on nutrient metabolism and hormone secretion pattern.

20.    Assessment of the metabolic and endocrinological status and carcass characteristics treated with cimaterol, cysteamine and F89 in finishing swine.

21.    Evaluation of Rumen fermentation and endocrinology characteristics in Chinese buffalo at high environment temperature.

22.    Preparation of rumen crude enzymes and feeding trials in the suckling piglets.

23.    Living probiotic lactic bacterial compound preparation and piglet trials.


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