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To encourage students, 2018 ANS will set Best Student Paper Award for excellent papers contributed by the students. The winners of this Award not only will be awarded the certificate and the prize, but also their excellent papers have the opportunity to be published in the supporting journals of ANS 2018, Frontiers of Optoelectronics(FOE, indexed by ESCI, Ei Compendex etc.) and Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences (JIOHS, indexed by SCI, Ei Compendex etc. IF 2016=1.12).


Both journals are strictly peer-reviewed and only accepts original submissions in English. FOE introduces and reflects significant achievements being made in the field of optoelectronics. Its coverage includes most main branches of optoelectronics and some aspects of optics. JIOHS serves as an international forum for the publication of the latest developments in all areas of photonics in biology and medicine. JIOHS will consider for publication original papers in all disciplines of photonics in biology and medicine

More about FOE, please click:




Email: foc@mail.hust.edu.cn


More about JIOHS, please click:



Email: jiohs@mail.hust.edu.cn


JIOHS 期刊宣传页B5.pdf

FOE期刊宣传页B5 72p.pdf

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