用户中心 english


Telecommunications Systems and Networks

Communication and networking technology for IoT
IoT system and network architecture
D2D/M2M communications for supporting IoT
All aspects for 5G networks
Wireless multimedia networks
Software Defined Networks
Wireless Body Area Network and Wireless Healthcare

Hardware and software design and development

Health monitoring – wearable devices
Analogue/Digital system design and structures
Design and analysis of embedded industrial systems, including real-time computing, operating systems, communications, etc.
Radio resource slicing and radio virtualization techniques
Modelling and analysis tools for industrial networks and intelligent systems
Simulation and testbed of current industrial networks and intelligent systems

System Engineering

Embedded Control Systems
Adaptive Control Techniques 
Object-Oriented Petri Nets 
Large Scale Control Systems 
Intelligent Control Systems 
Stochastic Control 
Aerospace Control Systems 
Defense and Military Systems Control

Copyright(C) 2019年物联网与系统工程国际会议 IoTSE2019