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1. All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers of  ICMSP 2019 will be published in Journal of Physics:Conference Series (JPCS) (ISSN:1742-6588)  , it will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing. 


EI Template Download: Template-IOP.rar


2.Selected 10 papers will be recommended for publication in SCI journal. 

1) Marine Geodesy (ISSN: 0149-0419, IF=0.962)

2) Exploration Geophysics(ISSN: 0812-3985, IF=1.116)

3) Pattern Analysis and Applications(ISSN: 1433-7541, IF=1.41)

4) Journal of Vibration and Control(ISSN: 1077-5463, IF=2.865)

SCI Template : Template-SCI.rar

*All submissions must not be less than 10 pages in length,and papers should be submitted to  ICICMSP@163.COM , and noted SCI-ICMSP.

Copyright(C) International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing 2019 (ICMSP2019)