1.Professor Chun-Yen Chang(張俊彥)——National Endowed Chair Professor;President Emeritus, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan;National Academy of Engineering, USA
报告题目:《The 3D Scalable Ultra-High Efficiency Low Power Dream IOT FET with Vd of 0.1V, Ioff of 10-16 A/um and Steep SS with Nano-PNPN Structures》
2. 许建斌——香港中文大学
3. Edward Yi Chang(张翼)——National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
报告题目:《InGaAs MOSFET for post CMOS Application》
4. 何偉友——明道大學
5. Hiroshi Iwai——Tokyo Institute of Technology
报告题目:《End of the scaling theory for nanoelectric devices and the world after that》
6. 支春义——香港城市大学
报告题目:《Functional Flexible & Wearable Supercapacitor》
7. 柴扬——香港理工大学
报告题目:《Two-Dimensional Layered Transitional Metal Dichalcogenides: Growth Dynamics and Electron Device》
8. 刘遵峰——常州大学
报告题目:《Perparation and applications of hierarchically buckled carbon nanotube elastic coductors-a Revew》
9. 吴兴龙——南京大学
报告题目:《Facet-induced optical and magnetic behavior in semiconductor micro/nanostructures》
10. 王胜刚——中科院金属所
11. 王卫东——西安电子科技大学