- 云南广大科技开发中心 1591
- IETP 22615
- 内蒙古大学 17666
- 中国矿业大学 22663
- 大连百奥泰科技有限公司 17607
- 北京展世杰国际展览有限公司 17594
- 河南科技学院 17697
- 可持续城市与社区研究会 23601
- 中国农业发展研究协会 1632
- 上海理工大学生物医学热科学研究所 17592
- 中国科学技术大学 23663
- 北京航空航天大学 22653
- 中能学(北京)信息咨询中心 17664
- 泰科拉软件(上海)有限公司 1636
- 河北师范大学资源与环境学院 20633
汇聚国际量子计算青年才俊,促进学术交流和跨学科创新,中国物理学会主办的第二届CPS量子计算青年国际论坛,将邀请国内外量子计算领域的优秀青年科学家,在超导量子计算、拓扑量子计算、光学量子计算和其他固态量子计算系统, 以及量子模拟、量子计量和量子信息处理等方面开展学术交流与探讨。
We cordially invite you to participate in CPS International Young Scientists Forum on Quantum Computing. It is an academic event initiated and organized by the Chinese Physical Society (CPS) and to be held from August 7 to 9, 2023, in Baoding Hebei Province, China. The event aims to bring together the leading young scientists in the field of quantum computing, to advance academic exchanges and to promote interdisciplinary innovations. The forum is anchored in the following themes: superconductor quantum computing, topological quantum computing, optical quantum computing, and other solid-state quantum computing systems, together with quantum simulation, quantum metrology and quantum information processing.
We plan to hold an in-person event this year in order to encourage face-to-face interactions. Domestic and international speakers will present their research findings, and on-site social activities will be organized to promote more communication and connections among young scholars and students. We hope to meet with you soon.
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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contace us
其他事宜: yan_li@iphy.ac.cn
技术支持: 18712685525
来源中国物理学会 ,分享只为学术交流,如涉及侵权问题请联系我们,我们将及时修改或删除。
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