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[ 会议基本信息 ] | ||
会议名称(中文): | 第四届国际超宽带与超短脉冲信号会议 | |
会议名称(英文): | The Fourth International Conference ULTRAWIDEBAND AND ULTRASHORT IMPULSE SIGNALS | |
所属学科: |
| |
会议类型: | 国际会议 | |
会议论文集是否检索: | EI | |
开始日期: | 2008-9-15 | |
结束日期: | 2008-9-19 | |
所在国家: | 乌克兰 | |
所在城市: | 国外 | |
具体地点: | the Crimea peninsula. Sevastopol, Ukraine | |
主办单位: | IEEE AP/C/EMC/SP Kharkov Joint Chapter of Ukraine Section, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Sevastopol National Technical University, in cooperation with Ukrainian URSI Committee, Radio Astronomy Institute of NASU, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NASU, Ukrainian National Antenna Association. | |
协办单位: | ||
承办单位: | ||
议题: | | |
[ 组织结构 ] | ||
会议主席: | Prof. Nikolay N. Kolchigin | |
组织委员会主席: | Prof. Nikolay N. Kolchigin | |
程序委员会主席: | Prof. Yakov S. Shifrin | |
会议嘉宾: | ||
[ 重要日期 ] | ||
摘要截稿日期: | 2008-6-1 | |
全文截稿日期: | 2008-7-1 | |
论文录用通知日期 | 2008-7-10 | |
交修订版截止日期: | 2008-7-20 | |
[ 会务组联系方式 ] | ||
联系人: | 郑宇 | |
联系电话: | 00380677896671 | |
传真: | ||
E-mail: | cucecc@mail.ru | |
通讯地址: | ||
邮政编码: | ||
会议新闻(共0条新闻): | | |
会议注册费: | ||
会议网站: | http://www-radiophys.univer.kharkov.ua/uwbusis/ | |
会议背景介绍: | the fourth International Conference “Ultrawideband and Ultrashort Impulse Signals” will be held in Sevastopol, the Crimea, Ukraine, September 15-19, 2008. The reports about previous meetings can be found in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, December 2002, pp. 92-94, February 2005, pp. 193-196 and February 2007, pp. 134-138. Special lectures for young scientist will be given by specialists well-known in UWB and EMC community. | |
征文范围及要求: | The Conference provides the international forum for discussing recent advances in ultrawideband and ultrashort impulse signals problems: Theoretical investigations, numerical simulations; Generation, radiation, and receiving; Electromagnetic compatibility; Electromagnetic metrology; Propagation and scattering in natural and artificial materials (complex media, radio absorbers, biomate-rials, nanostructures, meta-materials etc.); Applications (communication, radar, GPR, medicine, etc.) |
《工程创新进展》Advances in Engineering Innovation(AEI)
《基础设施、政策与发展杂志》Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (JIPD)
《运筹学与生产管理进展》Advances in Operation Research and Production Management(AORPM)